NTS Letter

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Sign Up For The NTS Letter

It’s easy for ARRL members to sign up to receive the NTS Letter via email. Just follow these steps:

  • Got to arrl.org and click the Login button to sign in
  • After you log in, you’ll see your name above the Login button. Click on your name to configure your preferences. On the COMMUNICATION menu on the left side of the page, click on the E-Newsleters & Notifications choice.

  • You’ll see a page that shows the current newsletters and lists you are subscribed to. Important – Click on the EDIT link to add the NTS Letter to your subscriptions.

  • Check the NTS Letter (National Traffic System monthly news) box and click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

That’s all there is to it! You’ll receive the Monthly NTS letter via email. We are looking for stories and information from Traffic Handlers that we can include in the NTS Letter. If you’d like to contribute a story, please contact us at ntsletter@arrl.org.



October 2024

    • From the Editor
    • “Happy 75th, NTS” (Part 2)
    • Treasure Hunt Update
    • Training via Zoom – October 14
    • Coordination between NTS and ARES: Reports from Alabama, Eastern Pennsylvania, Ohio and Georgia
    • Spotlight: Gerry Jurrens, N2GJ
    • Re-energizing NTS Activity in New Mexico

September 2024

    • “Happy 75th, NTS” (Part 1)
    • Treasure Hunt Update
    • NTS at the New England HamXposition
    • From the Field: Daily SSB Nets Provide Backbone for Florida
    • Traffic Tip from the Wisconsin STM
    • New Section Traffic Manager Group
    • Spotlight – Tom Doligalski, W4KX

August 2024

    • Treasure Hunt Update
    • Update: Handling Instructions and ARRL Numbered Texts
    • Recognition Certificates
    • New England HamXposition: August 22 – 25, 2024
    • Recruiting New Traffic Handlers
    • On Confirming POTA Contacts
    • Who Calls First?
    • Spotlight: K9GLU

July 2024

    • Field Day 2024
    • Treasure Hunt Update
    • Traffic Analysis Tool
    • Experiences from the Field – KN4QJ, Georgia Section Traffic Manager
    • Spotlight: Peter Dintelmann, DL4FN
    • Training in CW Traffic Handling
    • From the Editor

June 2024

    • Hamvention 2024
    • Treasure Hunt Update
    • Radiogram Portal Update
    • ARRL Numbered Radiograms
    • Field Day and NTS
    • From the Field
    • Spotlight – W2ZXN

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024

January 2024


December 2023

November 2023

October 2023