Introducing the Radiogram Web Portal

Radiogram Portal – Functional Specification

The Radiogram Portal

The Radiogram Portal is a Web application which provides a way for members of the general public to submit brief messages to friends or family, which can then be picked up by licensed Amateur Radio operators as formal NTS messages, for transmission and delivery via the existing National Traffic System.


There are two motivations for this project: The first is to provide a platform to explain to the general public what Amateur Radio messaging is all about — to give a basic introduction to this part of our public service capability, and then to provide an easy way for someone who’s not a ham to submit a message for origination. The second is to try to inject more true third-party traffic into our traffic system.

The Role of a “Radiogrammer”

A Radiogrammer is a licensed Amateur in the US or Canada who is familiar with formal traffic-handling procedures, and who would like to regularly check in to the Portal to pick up third-party messages for origination.


We refer to the public-facing pages of the Radiogram Portal as the front end, and the password-protected pages used by Radiogrammers as the back end.  Both views of the system run on a WordPress instance, currently the NTS 2.0 Web site.

Front End

The screenshot below shows the main, public-facing page of the Portal. It begins with a brief description of Amateur Radio message handling, then encourages the viewer to fill out a message to be sent to a friend or relative, anywhere in the US or Canada. The user provides their own name and e-mail address, the complete contact information for the recipient, and chooses one of the standard ARL Message Texts as the body of the message, followed by an optional closing phrase. If one of the standard texts calls for a fill-in phrase, there’s an opportunity to provide that, too.

Restricting the public to one of the standard message texts is to help ensure that the content of the message will be appropriate for Amateur Radio — not business-related, highly urgent, or exceedingly personal. However, if the end-user happens to be a logged-in, verified Amateur Radio operator, there’s an opportunity to write a free-form message rather than selecting a standard text. The Portal also requires a CAPTCHA to be “solved” before the message is accepted, as a guard against spam.

Upon submitting the message, the user is shown a preview to confirm the address and the content, as well as a glimpse of how the message will actually look when formatted as an NTS Radiogram. A confirmation e-mail is sent to the sender, as well.

At this point, the system converts the message to standard NTS format and stores it in its database. It computes the NTS Region numbers of both the sender and the recipient, as well as the city-of-origin, based on the sender’s postal code.

Back End

Registered, validated Radiogrammers have access to the back end of the system. A Radiogrammer can log in at any time to view messages in the database, with particular attention being paid to those which have been submitted but not yet picked up for NTS origination. An example of the back-end view is shown below.

By default, this list shows messages which have been submitted to the system (typically by non-hams), ready to be picked up for origination as formal traffic. The task of a Radiogrammer is to check this list periodically for messages within their own NTS origin Region, pick them up, and originate them over Amateur Radio in the usual way as formal traffic, using voice, digital, or CW.

A special rule hides Available messages from the list for a certain period of time after being submitted, for any logged-in user who is in a different NTS region than the origin city of the message. This time period defaults to 4 hours, but is adjustable. The aim of this rule is to encourage traffic handlers who are in the same Region as the sender to get first dibs on taking traffic from the Portal, to maximize the geographic effectiveness of NTS.

There are two choices at the top of the page:

Sort by

Origin Distance:
Displays submitted Radiograms in increasing order of distance from your postal code, based on the postal code of the person who submitted the message. This is a useful way to bubble messages from the Radiogrammer’s own NTS Region to the top of the list. To maximize the benefit of Amateur Radio, the goal is to give priority to Radiogrammers who are in the same Region as the city of origin to pick up any such messages.

Time Filed:
Sorts submitted Radiograms in descending order of their filing time, irrespective of location. The most recently submitted messages appear at the top of the list.


Displays only those Radiograms which have been submitted to the system, but not yet picked up for origination.

My Originations:
Displays only those Radiograms which the logged-in Radiogrammer has previously picked up for origination. (This view is useful for going back and looking up contact information for the submitter of a message for which the Radiogrammer has received a reply.)

All Messages:
Displays all Radiograms in the system, including those which have already been picked up (or deleted).

Messages List

The Messages List shows all messages which match the selected criteria, along with key data such as the city and region of origin and destination. If a message has already been picked up for origination, the origin station and the message number is also shown. This list is scrollable if the list is long.

To see all details for a message, click the corresponding View button.

Message Actions

After Viewing a message, there are two action buttons below the message which might be displayed, depending on its disposition:

Click this button to pick up a message for origination by your station. (The Radiogrammer must assign it a message number first.) This marks the message has having been retrieved, and inserts the Radiogrammer’s callsign as the station of origin in the database. The Portal then displays the message in standard Radiogram format, from which one can Copy or Print. At this point, the Radiogrammer would originate the message as formal traffic in the usual way over Amateur Radio, using voice, digital, or CW.

The final step, after originating a message, is to click “Mark as Sent”, which changes the message’s status in the database to Sent.

Click this button to mark a message as “Deleted”, and to provide a reason for having done so. This is typically used when encountering a message with content that’s inappropriate for Amateur Radio messaging, and therefore can’t be originated. Our current policy is to simply delete any such message, rather than trying to edit it or contact the submitter. (The reason provided is stored only in the database as a notation.)


Users with administrative privileges on the WordPress site have access to several reporting pages, which track activity and performance. The following reports are available in real time:

  • Roster of active Radiogrammers, showing callsign, postal code, name, and NTS region.
  • Overall count of messages in the database (within a date range) for each status (Available, Handling, Sent)
  • Count of Sent messages, by origination callsign, within a date range.
  • Pick-up time interval (the interval between a message being Submitted and being Handled, or Sent), expressed as minimum, maximum, and mean, broken down by region.

Becoming a “Radiogrammer”

See the Radiogrammer Quick Start Guide for details on how to become a “Radiogrammer”.

Radiogram Portal Quick Start

The Radiogram Portal

There are two motivations for this project: The first is to provide a platform to explain to the general public what Amateur Radio messaging is all about — to give a basic introduction to this part of our public service capability, and then to provide an easy way for someone who’s not a ham to submit a message for origination. The second is to try to inject more true third-party traffic into our traffic system.

Start by taking a look at the main Radiogram page — this is the page where the general public can submit a new Radiogram.

Becoming a Portal Radiogrammer

The first step is to sign up to become a “Radiogrammer.” A Radiogrammer is a licensed Amateur in the US or Canada who is familiar with formal traffic-handling procedures and who would like to regularly check in to the Portal to pick up and handle third-party messages for origination.

To be added to the Radiogrammer roster, please sign up by filling out the form here.  The Radiogram Portal administrator will process your application and, if you are accepted, will create a username that you can use to log in to pick up traffic.

This process will result in you receiving an automated email from WordPress with a link for setting a permanent password.

Once your account is set up, you should log in and set a secure password that you can remember.

Using the Portal

When you sign up to become a Radiogrammer, you will be assigned an NTS Region that corresponds to your ZIP code or postal code. When you sign into your account on the Radiogram Portal, initially you’ll only see messages that have been submitted within your region. But if a message is submitted to the system and not handled by someone in the same region within a few hours, the message will appear on every Radiogrammer’s list, and becomes available to be handled by any Radiogrammer, in any region.

Once you’re signed up, you can log into the Portal at any time at this URL:

After you’ve signed in, you will see the Available Radiograms page, similar to the view below.

By default, this list shows messages which have been submitted to the system (typically by non-hams), and are now available to be handled for origination as formal traffic. Your task, as a Radiogrammer, is to check this list periodically for messages, pick them up, and originate them over Amateur Radio in the usual way as formal traffic, using voice, digital, or CW.

There are two choices at the top of the page:

Sort by

Origin Distance:
Displays available Radiograms in increasing order of distance from your postal code, based on the postal code of the person who submitted the message. This is a useful way to bubble messages from your own NTS Region to the top of the list. To maximize the benefit of Amateur Radio, the goal is to give priority to Radiogrammers who are in the same Region as the city of origin to handle any such messages.

Time Filed:
Sorts available Radiograms in descending order of their filing time, irrespective of location. The ones most recently submitted appear at the top of the list.


Displays only those Radiograms which have been submitted to the system, but not yet handled; these have a status of Available.

My Originations:
Displays only those Radiograms which you have previously handled for origination. (This view is useful if you need to go back and look up contact information for the submitter of a message for which you’ve received a reply.) This list will show all messages with your callsign as station of origin, either Handling or Sent.

All Messages:
Displays all Radiograms in the system, including those which have already been handled (or deleted).

Messages List

The Messages List shows all messages which match the selected criteria, along with key data such as the city and region of origin and destination. If a message has already been handled, the origin station and the message number is also shown. This list is scrollable if the list is long.

To see all details for a message, click the corresponding View button.

Message Actions

After Viewing a message, there are two action buttons below the message which might be displayed, depending on its disposition:

Click this button to pick up a message for origination by your station. (You must assign it a message number first.) This marks the message as Handling, and inserts your callsign as the station of origin in the database. The Portal then displays to you the message in standard Radiogram format, from which you can Copy or Print. At this point, please originate the message as formal traffic in the usual way over Amateur Radio, using voice, digital, or CW.

When you’ve finished sending the message, click the Mark Message as Sent button. (If for any reason you’re not able to send it, please click Return Message to Available, so that another Radiogrammer can pick it up).

Click this button to mark a message as Deleted, and provide a reason for having done so. This is typically used if you encounter a message with content that’s inappropriate for Amateur Radio messaging, and therefore can’t be originated. Our current policy is to simply delete any such message, rather than trying to edit it or contact the submitter. (The reason you provide is stored only in the database as a notation.)

The Radiogram Portal Administrator

There is a “super user” role associated with the Radiogram Portal system; the Radiogram Portal Administrator has several responsibilities and special capabilities that they can use to administer messages. These include:

  • The ability to process new Radiogrammer requests and create user logins on the system
  • The ability to remove messages from the system if they cannot or should not be handled
  • The ability to generate reports on the traffic that the system has handled

Official Communications

We have set up a list for “Radiogrammers” use. You can subscribe to this list at This list will be used to share information and updates about the Radiogram Portal system as well as a means to share best practices and problems. This is also a great way to contact the Portal Administrator, if you have a question or concern.

The Year in Review: NTS 2.0 Accomplishments

It’s been an exciting past 12 months for participants in the NTS 2.0 project. NTS 2.0 is a subcommittee of the League’s Emergency Communications and Field Services Committee comprised of numerous working groups. We are proud to report the following accomplishments:

  • Creation and publication of The NTS Letter
  • Creation and implementation of an APRS->NTS gateway
  • Creation and implementation of the Radiogram Portal
  • The NTS “Treasure Hunt”
  • An updated awards program (rollout  imminent)
  • Several NTS training videos
  • New Traffic Analysis test tool specification completed
  • Next generation Digital Traffic System specification
  • Numerous updates to the website

Want to get involved in these or future efforts?  Email ARRL Director Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, at

July 2024 NTS Letter


Field Day 2024

Treasure Hunt Update

Traffic Analysis Tool

Experiences from the Field – KN4QJ, Georgia Section Traffic Manager

Spotlight: Peter Dintelmann, DL4FN

Training in CW Traffic Handling

From the Editor



Field Day 2024

ARRL Field Day 2024 is over, but the memories will no doubt live on as folks evaluate the successes and the issues in need of improvement before the next FD. Because ARRL wants to encourage more awareness of the National Traffic System plus greater coordination between ARES and NTS, extra points are awarded for generating and sending radiogram formatted messages via RF from Field Day sites. As observed from monitoring my 1RN DTN hub station, many of these were sent via digital means using Winlink. This was not surprising considering the availability of the template found in the Winlink Express software. However, I was curious to see how much activity took place on both voice and CW traffic nets. I personally handled approximately 15 or so radiograms on our section CW net. One message from the Boston ARC site was going to our New England Division Director in New Hampshire. The next morning, I heard his response had already been received by the Boston group, who were quite impressed with the speed of the whole turn-around.


I asked a few others if they had any experiences to share, and here are a few:


I received a radiogram greeting from the Field Day crew at the Billerica (MA) Amateur Radio Society. The delivering station included a postscript in the email stating, “Please reply to this email so I can report this message as delivered. If you wish to send a message to [the club’s name and call sign], or any other person please let me know (25 words or less). This is a free service.” I thought that was a nice touch! —Phil Temples, K9HI, ARRL Vice Director, New England Division


The outcome was better with our NTS traffic. Once again, a few days before Field Day, I’d sent myself mail using Winlink from my roof deck using my TH-D74 connected via Bluetooth. I assumed that from Westwood we’d have a better shot at, e.g., AB1PH in Walpole or the BROCK digipeater. No such luck! At this point I learned lesson number three: most problems can be solved by some piece of equipment that K1SU just happens to have. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him pull out a Geiger counter at some point, but this time it was a Signalink which I hooked up and used with Direwolf and the talk-in radio. That setup happily sent everything off to Marcia, KW1U. We sent the 100-point Field Day message to Rob, KD1CY (EMA Section Emergency Coordinator), plus two messages from K1SU and three from me. One of mine was a message on behalf of the club to Fred, AB1OC, our Division Director. We got a reply on Sunday morning, so it looks like all the messages went out. – Joe Chapman, NV1W, Secretary, Boston Amateur Radio Club


I had a couple of interesting Field Day messages. The first was from KW8N in Ohio. We have made several contacts in the past and I have sent him a confirmation radiogram for those contacts. Because of that, he knew I was an ORS. He asked me to relay a Field Day message to his Section Manager from his Field Day site. That occurred Sunday. The second was from the Providence, Rhode Island, club to their Section Manager, Nancy, KC1NEK. I took that message Saturday evening and delivered it on Sunday. I guess I was in the right place at the right time. – Bob Sparkes, KC1KVY, NM HHTN, ORS


I received several Winlink messages that came to me within minutes of their being sent. I also got a few messages via the regular path of HF radio, and they came to me within a couple of hours.


All in all, it seemed to me to be faster than last year for sure. – Scott Yonally, N8SY, Great Lakes Division Director


Not all traffic nets saw Field Day activity, as noted by Kate, K6HTN, who reported, “This has got to be the most boring Field Day for traffic that I’ve ever experienced! Virtually NO traffic passed over my desk…. RN6 was completely QRU, except for one radiogram unrelated to Field Day.” We’re sorry to hear that, Kate, and hope if digital systems are down someday, folks will know how to pass traffic via the traffic nets.


Treasure Hunt Update
Hello, treasure hunters! Twenty stations participated in the May NTS Treasure Hunt. The following stations successfully completed all three rounds:


05/14/24 20:29 W1LEM Lem

05/14/24 20:30 N1CVO Shawn

05/14/24 20:31 KC1TLF David

05/14/24 20:33 KY2D Jim

05/15/24 19:11 K1IG George

05/23/24 19:04 KC3MAL Stuart

05/24/24 23:23 KC3QVF Chris

05/27/24 20:52 AB3WG Chris

06/02/24 22:51 KC3WHU Walt


The first-place finisher in this, the May Treasure Hunt, as well as in future Treasure Hunts, will be awarded a specially designed mug courtesy of the NTS 2.0 Planning Committee. The other finishers will receive a certificate courtesy of the NTS 2.0 Treasure Hunt Committee. A copy of this nice certificate can be seen here:


NTS Treasure Hunt Certificate

On With the Hunt

For the July NTS Treasure Hunt, please answer this:


In the June 1933 issue of QST, on page 15, there is an announcement. What is the announcement about?

Send your answer via NTS Radiogram to Dan, AC8NP, Tiffin, OH 44883.


The text of the radiogram should consist of the word “THR1”, meaning “TREASURE HUNT ROUND 1,” followed by your answer. Be sure to format the NTS message properly, with the message number, the station of origin, and the correct check.


You will receive a confirmation radiogram back with the next clue or question and addressee; or a message explaining that your answer is incorrect and to please try again. The judges send their messages via Digital NTS, voice nets and CW nets. The relay stations may use other methods to deliver the message to you. We use your QRZ information so it may go to your email in some cases. Check your spam messages. You can use OP notes to help direct a path to you (Phone #, Traffic Nets).


The judges will stop answering messages when the August NTS Letter is published.


Good luck!


If you missed the official Treasure Hunt announcement in the December 2023 issue of The NTS Letter, here is a recap: This is a fun, on-air, multi-step competition in which you will respond to a “judge” with your answer to an initial clue or question via radiogram. The judge will reply via radiogram with the identity of the next judge, along with the next question or clue in the hunt.


We had quite a few responses to our survey, and we will be trying to address those issues. Thanks for the feedback. One common response was, “I never received a reply.” I would suggest you try using the “HXC” handling instruction. This will ask the station delivering your message to send you a message with the date and time they delivered your message to the addressee.


Check out the August NTS Letter for the July Treasure Hunt finders list!


If you have any comments or suggestions, please use the survey form or email Dan Rinaman, AC8NP, at 73


NTS Performance Analysis Tool in Development
By Bud Hippisley, W2RU, and Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC


An early project of the NTS. 2.0 team was to create a “snapshot” of then-current system performance by originating test traffic to more than 150 recipients throughout the entire United States.


Key takeaways from that initial exercise included:


• System-wide, there is plenty of room for improvement in how quickly and how accurately messages get from origin to destination.


• To improve the quality of our post-exercise summaries, we need tools that make it easy for all who are involved in any aspect of a traffic exercise to report, collect, and analyze results.


In response to the first bullet above, we are developing new training materials – as well as pursuing other vehicles for raising awareness of the need to improve our system performance. (See, for instance, “Do Your PART” by W2RU in the May NTS Letter.)


To improve the value of the test exercises themselves, we need new tools to simplify the reporting process for all participants and to more quickly generate output summaries of value to net managers, STMs, HQ, and all other stakeholders, including all participants. To that end, we presently have under development a web-based Performance Analysis Tool (PAT) to fill the current void. And as soon as we can, we’ll be announcing a small exercise – perhaps as early as this fall — specifically intended to test the new tool. Stay tuned!


Experiences from the Field – KN4QJ
NTS 2.0 Radiogram Deliveries

I am Frank Hobbs, KN4QJ, and I serve as the Georgia Section Traffic Manager and NTS 2.0 Radiogrammer. (See for information about the Radiogram Portal. – Ed.) I have participated in the National Traffic System for a number of years by relaying and delivering radiogram messages (traffic). When delivering a message, you never know the response you might get, whether it be positive or negative, and this usually depends on the attitude, health, or recent situations of the recipient.


I would like to share a unique, pleasant experience I had in delivering traffic to a recipient.


I usually check the availability of traffic on the Radiogram Portal in the evenings. This one evening I noticed two radiograms from region 2 and going to region 4. I decided to wait a little while for someone in region 2 to handle the messages. An hour later I checked again, and they were still available, so I picked them up and originated both messages to be placed into the system for normal routing.


As luck would have it, a few days later, on Mother’s Day, I heard on the Georgia SSB Net that there were two pieces of traffic for Marietta, Georgia. I wondered if that was the traffic that I originated from region 2 to Marietta (region 4), so I volunteered to take the traffic for delivery. They turned out to be the two messages that I placed into the system earlier in the week. They were from an amateur radio operator in New Jersey going to her mother in Georgia.


I called the number, not knowing what to expect. A young lady answered, and I told her that I had two National Traffic System messages. She was elated and called out to her mother that the messages had arrived. We had a short conversation and I discovered she was the individual who put the messages into the Radiogram Portal for delivery to her mother. After a short discussion, she turned the phone over to her mother. I then learned that the mother recently had surgery and her daughter came down to care for her. After talking to the mother for a few minutes about the surgery, ham radio and the daughter, I delivered both messages. The mother was excited to receive the messages and she was a delight to talk to. Before ending the delivery, I wished her and her daughter a very happy Mother’s Day. She thanked me and wished the same for my wife.


Again, you never know what to expect, but from time to time you will deliver a message to someone who is pleasantly grateful, and you may never forget the experience. You will remember the great ones and when you do, it will bring a smile.


Frank Hobbs, KN4QJ


Spotlight: Peter Dintelmann, DL4FN
[Many traffic handlers are familiar with NTS traffic from Germany. Peter sends ham-to-ham traffic to amateurs across the US. I was particularly interested in his ham radio experience from a European perspective. – Ed.]


As a young boy, I was interested in electronics and learned it with experimental kits and textbooks for beginners. One of these textbooks was about building simple broadcast receivers and it ended with an Audion receiver for HF. With this receiver and another textbook containing a stations list and instructions on how to get QSL cards from broadcasting stations, I started discovering the world of international broadcasting. Soon I observed strange signals just below the 7 MHz broadcasting band and asked my father about them. My father worked as a researcher on satellite radio propagation for the German PTT and explained to me what amateur radio is all about. This is what I wanted to do myself and my father got me in contact with one of his lab engineers (Fred, DJ6NS) who answered all my questions and explained to me what I needed to learn and how to obtain a license.

With Fred’s help I started building a direct conversion superhet receiver for 80 meters and he also got me a copy of a CW course on audio cassettes.


I remember that I was 12 years old when I started learning the code and that it took me about 9 months to achieve a level of 16 WPM. CW had a touch of mystery, and it was fascinating from the very beginning. Furthermore, be aware that some 50 languages are spoken in Europe and that there was not a common language in the past. For example, 500 kilometers east of us is Czechia, where people speak Czech and learned Russian at school, whereas we are speaking German which is completely different and learn English as a foreign language. CW was clearly a simple means to bridge this gap. I became an amateur-radio SWL and still have a collection of QSL cards from these days. The step from 16 WPM audio cassette CW to real-world amateur radio CW was very difficult for me and I started copying the traffic of coastal radio stations (Portishead Radio GKA and Norddeich Radio DAN) to improve my CW reading capabilities. This was illegal at the time, and nobody knew. German laws at this time did not even allow one to mention the existence of such transmissions. This was my first contact with “traffic” and I admired the coastal radio station operators for their operating proficiency moving telegram messages. They were always role models for me. At age 15, I passed the German Extra Class exam and got assigned DL4FN. However, I was not allowed to have my own station yet because I was too young in the era of the Cold War. My Elmer, Fred, who was a CW man and the trustee of the local club station, also got me into contesting even before I passed the exam (my father was not lucky with this). Still not allowed to operate under my own callsign, I somehow managed to accomplish a 5th place finish in the QRP DX section of the ARRL DX contest. The contest bug bit me.


Our club had a subscription to QST and W1FB’s weekend projects were a great source for ideas to build and improve my own station for many years. My father became interested in amateur radio, too. He passed the German General as DH8FAD, later the Extra as DL8ZBF, which he still holds. He also became N3HFC and later KD3QV to simplify licensing issues when he was on one of his many business trips or research exchanges.


After finishing school, I studied mathematics and communications engineering, finished with a Ph.D. in math and started my career as an IT professional in a German bank. The knowledge I acquired in these jobs was later very useful when I built my digital station. Flipping through the pages of the ARRL Operating Manual, I (re)discovered NTS, which I already knew from old QST days, and I got in contact with (Marcia, KW1U) in February 2013. Germany (and many other European countries) had a strict state monopoly on any kind of communication means in the past. This was only weakened by the requirements of the European Union in the early 1990s. The exchange of messages was therefore never part of our way of amateur radio and therefore European amateurs do not know traffic at all, the only exception being the few former maritime radio officers. At about the same time, Greg, G0DUB, also got in contact with Marcia and we joined forces. When it became clear to me that I wanted to stay with traffic I applied for a club station callsign. You need to know that in Germany personal callsigns are only used for personal radio contacts and that the offering of services to others (repeaters, digipeaters, beacons, message gateways etc.) requires a separate license and callsign. After talking to the regulator, they assigned DF0NTS to me for traffic handling (DF0, DK0, and DL0 are our standard club station prefixes). I got into digital message handling with strong support from Dave, WB2FTX. When I later applied for a license for unattended operation, I got DB0NTS (DB0 = unattended station). My digital station became an official Digital Relay Station and later an NTS EAN MBO. Some years later, I designed and introduced the existing address scheme for international digital message handling.


Getting more European amateurs into traffic handling turned out to be very difficult. The EmComm people are more or less the only ones interested in this. About 10 years ago, we extended the ARRL SET to Europe and moved tons of messages, but with no lasting effect. Besides me, there are currently the UK Raynet group, of which Greg is a member, and an EmComm group from the Netherlands actively involved in traffic handling. The delivery of every message thus usually needs some explanation as traffic is unknown here for historical reasons. Delivery is typically by email or letter. Phonebooks are not generally available for privacy reasons. International phone calls are very expensive and there are still language barriers.


I was always fascinated by moving traffic in CW because it requires such good operating skills and had skeds with KW1U and Jeff, WB8WKQ (SK), in the past. I am happy for every single message I can move in CW, and I am happy that their numbers are increasing by now. In retrospect, it was my listening to the CW traffic of ships and coastal radio stations in my SWL days which infected me with the traffic virus. With CW being my favorite mode from the very beginning, I used paddles for 35 years and always wanted to have a bug. These keys are not widely used in Europe but there are a few enthusiasts. I got my first bug from my wife for my 50th birthday, later became a member of SKCC, and even later a member of the B.U.G. group.


In recent years, I became more and more interested in the history of radio. I am not focused on technology but rather on operating procedures and regulations. I collect original documents ranging from the Telegraph Convention of St. Petersburg 1875 to the GMDSS Handbook for modern maritime radio. If you have any original documents of interest to me, I will be happy for a copy…


Training in CW Traffic Handling
The Long Island CW Club (LICW), which offers training at all levels of CW operation, has been presenting training in NTS CW traffic handling. This group meets weekly on Zoom, Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Eastern time for one hour, over a period of eight weeks, with a two-week period in between for practice and any additional help. Each class varies from 6 to 10 students and one can join a class at any time. To participate in these classes, one must be a member of LICW. Joining LICW costs a nominal fee of $30, but there are many other benefits to being a part of this group. LICW started with a couple hams and has grown into a worldwide organization with over 1200 members. Check their website at and contact Ed Conway, N2GSL, for information about training for CW traffic handling.



NTS Resources

The National Traffic System® (NTS) is a network of amateur radio operators who move information during disasters and other emergencies. General messages offering well wishes also move through the NTS to help test the system and to help amateur radio operators build traffic handling skills. While the NTS is primarily set up to serve the United States and Canada, it is possible to move traffic internationally through the NTS through various local, regional, area, and international network connections.


NTS 2.0

NTS Manual

NTS Methods and Practices Guidelines

Handling Instructions

Numbered Texts

Form Encoding Rules for Form



Sign Up to Receive The NTS Letter

The NTS Letter is published monthly and is free of charge to ARRL members. Subscribe:


If anyone has not received copies of The NTS Letter by email, be sure to check to confirm that you are opted in. If you don’t see The NTS Letter listed among the publications you are opted into, click on “Edit,” and you will have the opportunity to check the box to receive The NTS Letter. If you have missed any issues, you can find them all at as well as on the ARRL website.


Editor: Marcia Forde, KW1U, Section Traffic Manager — Eastern Massachusetts, Western Massachusetts, and Rhode Island


ARRL Director of Emergency Management: Josh Johnston, KE5MHV



Support NTS: Join ARRL

NTS is a program of ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®. No other organization works harder than ARRL to promote and protect amateur radio! ARRL members enjoy many benefits and services including digital magazines, e-newsletters, online learning (, and technical support. Membership also supports programs for radio clubs, on-air contests, Logbook of The World®, ARRL Field Day, and the all-volunteer ARRL Field Organization.



The NTS Letter is published every month (12 times each year). ARRL members may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing their Member Data Page at


Copyright © 2024 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other purposes require written permission.



June 2024 NTS Letter


Hamvention 2024

Treasure Hunt Update

Radiogram Portal Update

ARRL Numbered Radiograms

Field Day and NTS

From the Field

Spotlight – W2ZXN


Hamvention 2024

Your editor was privileged to attend Dayton Hamvention in May in Xenia, OH. Except for the rain on Friday morning, the weather was beautiful — warm and sunny. Because this was an ARRL National Convention, there were interesting and well-attended presentations by ARRL staff. A great emphasis was put on youth and attracting young people to the hobby. One thing was missing, however. I had hoped to find some gathering of NTS folks, but alas, I did not. I saw a few folks I knew, but the most surprising was to find a ham I hadn’t seen for nearly 40 years. Kitty Hevener, W8TDA, was living in the Boston area at the time until she left to work at ARRL. From there she moved to different locations, and we lost touch. One day at Hamvention I was walking past the HandiHam booth, looking for a friend who had been attending a different forum. I found him there, sitting next to Kitty, whom he did not know. I recognized her right away and we had a long chat, catching up with all those years. What are the chances amidst thousands of people? All in all, it was a great weekend. Thanks to the Dayton Amateur Radio Association for making it possible.


Treasure Hunt Update
Hello, treasure hunters! Twenty stations participated in the May NTS Treasure Hunt. The following stations successfully completed all three rounds:


05/14/24 20:29 W1LEM Lem

05/14/24 20:30 N1CVO Shawn

05/14/24 20:31 KC1TLF David

05/14/24 20:33 KY2D Jim

05/15/24 19:11 K1IG George

05/23/24 19:04 KC3MAL Stuart

05/24/24 23:23 KC2QVF Chris


The first-place finisher in this, the May Treasure Hunt, as well as in future Treasure Hunts, will be awarded a specially designed mug courtesy of the NTS 2.0 Planning Committee. The second- and third-place finishers will receive a certificate courtesy of the NTS 2.0 Treasure Hunt committee.


Regarding this month’s third-round question, Jon, N1ILZ, reports, “It appears that the third question (mine) proved more challenging than I expected. Just under half the respondents got it right the first time. Most got it right on the second try after the hint in my reply,







The question was “On NTS voice nets how should 1359 be voiced query.” The answer is, “Figures one tree fife niner.”


If you missed the official Treasure Hunt announcement in the December 2023 issue of The NTS Letter, here is a recap: This is a fun, on-air, multi-step competition in which you will respond to a “judge” with your answer to an initial clue or question via radiogram. The judge will reply via radiogram with the identity of the next judge, along with the next question or clue in the hunt.


We had quite a few responses to our survey, and we will be trying to address those issues. Thanks for the feedback. One common response was, “I never received a reply.” I would suggest you try using the “HXC” handling instruction. This will ask the station delivering your message to send you a message with the date and time they delivered your message to the addressee.


We will take the month of June off, but remember to send 10 radiograms during Field Day for a 100-point bonus. Also, you’ll get an additional 100-point bonus if you send a message to your Section Manager or the Section Emergency Coordinator.


Check out the July issue of The NTS Letter for the July Treasure Hunt!


If you have any comments or suggestions, please use the survey form or email Dan Rinaman, AC8NP at – 73, Dan Rinaman, AC8NP


Radiogram Portal Update
The Radiogram Portal is a project of the NTS 2.0 group with two main goals in mind. The first is to provide a platform to explain to the general public what Amateur Radio messaging is all about — to give a basic introduction to this part of our public service capability, and then to provide an easy way for someone who’s not a ham to submit a message for origination. The second is to try to inject more true third-party traffic into our traffic system. This project went live in December 2023 and now lists 49 registered “radiogrammers” who can take a message from the Portal, originate a radiogram, and enter it into the NTS. These radiogrammers come from around the country, including from:


Region 1 — 11 Region 2 — 5 Region 3 — 3 Region 4 — 7 Region 5 — 4 Region 6 — 1

Region 7 — 0 Region 8 — 4 Region 9 — 4 Region 10 — 6 Region 11 (Eastern Canada) — 1

Region 12 — 3


Portal use has been increasing as the word gets out. A total of 13 messages were handled in April, and a total of 28 have been handled in May as of Memorial Day.


Messages are listed for radiogrammers according to the Region in which it was originated. In other words, a message originated in Phoenix, Arizona for Syracuse, New York would be listed for radiogrammers in Region 12 to pick up, and not for those in Region 2. A question was raised as to why it would not be listed for Region 2 stations. The answer relates to the second goal above. By listing radiograms under the station of origin’s Region, it’s more likely that someone in that Region will put the radiograms into the NTS via RF. If they were listed under the recipient’s region, then the system would lean to shortcutting the NTS, and be more of an internet-based email system. If a message, however, is not picked up within a reasonable amount of time, it can be handled by any radiogrammer, but preferably from within a nearby Region. More information on this will be forthcoming in a future issue.


Another traffic handler was concerned about a “message [that] was being sent from a ham in [another state] after he had picked it up on the message portal. The city and state in the header of the message were not the city and state of the licensed ham sending the message! I found this confusing.” Remember the first goal mentioned previously is to introduce message handling to the public. It has been some time since we traffic handlers have seen actual third-party messages, so it is not surprising this could be confusing. It is important to remember the meaning of “third-party traffic.” While generally these messages are from non-hams, they could be from a licensed ham but one not familiar with radiogram format or how to enter a message into the network. The “station of origin,” as we know, is the licensed amateur who formats a message into a radiogram and injects it into the network. The “place of origin,” on the other hand, is the location of the “third party” whose message has consequently been formatted into a radiogram and should match the location of the signer of the message. If the “third party” is a ham, his/her call sign might be included, but is not necessary.


Yet another question was raised concerning the use of numbered radiogram texts. It was noted that one had to select one of the numbered texts from a drop-down menu. This was planned for use by those who don’t understand some of the restrictions of a radiogram. This list could potentially be expanded at a future time. However, any traffic handlers who are registered on the Portal website are given the option of creating a “free-form” message.


More information about the Radiogram Portal can be found on the NTS 2.0 website at


ARRL Numbered Radiograms
A reader asked a question concerning the use of numbered radiograms. As most traffic handlers know, these are standardized texts that allow for shortening a text of many words into one of few. The FSD-3 form on the ARRL website contains a list of numbered radiograms that have been used for many years. Form FSD-3 remains the same. However, in the past year the NTS 2.0 group has updated this list, keeping the same numbers and texts as the FSD-3 but adding additional ones mostly for welfare use. These numbers and texts match those on the RRI list so there should be no confusion. The question asked was, has the new list been implemented, or do we continue to use the FSD-3 form? We recommend using the new expanded list now, for formatting radiograms and for translation of radiogram texts for delivery to recipients. This list can be found at


Field Day and NTS
ARRL Field Day is coming up in just a few weeks. Traffic handlers can be active in several ways. If you can get to a Field Day site, help your club gain points by operating and making contacts. If you’re not into big pileups, you can help with a GOTA (Get On The Air) station. If you are unable to get out, you can operate from home and give others additional contact points. Speaking of points, of course you can boost your club’s score by helping to originate radiograms and getting them on the air. If you operate from home, you can monitor your local traffic nets and receive Field Day radiograms for relay or delivery. Field Day is a highly publicized event, and this activity raises an awareness on the part of the public that amateur radio is still very much active today. In addition to the above, and perhaps more important, you can have fun supporting and socializing with your fellow amateurs! See under “NTS at Field Day” for more suggestions.


From the Field
Linda, KF4MXF, Net Manager of the Missouri Traffic Net, reports there are approximately 22 dedicated hams who check into the Missouri Traffic Net, which covers the entire state. She reports, “I cover ALL MO (if a radiogram makes it to our traffic net, I see that it gets handled, one way or another. I no longer return radiograms, just because of bad phone number or other bad info).” Thanks, Linda, for all you do for NTS!


South Carolina Section Traffic Manager Dean, N4AJK, reports, “I am sorry if this is tooting my own horn, but in the February 2024 issue of QST…on page 92 in the Volunteer Monitoring Program Reports that a net operator for the Grand Strand Amateur Radio Club has run 2,000 nets. That is me, N4AJK.”


That is quite an accomplishment Dean. You have earned that “toot.” Thanks for all you do for NTS!


Kentucky Section Traffic Manager Steve, W4NHO, reports he was at Dayton Hamvention. While I received a message from another ham that Steve was looking for me, we were unable to meet up. Hopefully future conventions will allow for traffic handlers to meet one another face to face. It is always fun to be able to meet and share stories together.


I’m looking for more stories from you traffic handlers. Do you have any ham-related stories to share, especially those concerning message handling and net activities? Write to me at


Spotlight – W2ZXN

This month I am spotlighting Andy Harmon-Kimball, W2ZXN, Assistant Section Traffic Manager for the Western New York Section. Andy is a recent addition to the NTS 2.0 teams and is the producer of training videos on the NTS2 website.


Andy first learned about ham radio by listening to an old analog scanner. While he would listen to people chit-chat here and there, what really drew his attention were the weather reports sent over the air and activity on a local traffic net. He received his amateur radio license in 2007 at the Rochester (NY) Hamfest, and was gifted a handheld radio. He says he “immediately immersed himself in traffic handling,” joining the ranks of his local traffic net and becoming a net control station. He later became interested in HF and upgraded to a General-class license, becoming active on a variety of traffic nets on 80 meters.


In addition to traffic handling, Andy has been active with his local ARES and RACES groups as well as secretary and repeater trustee for his local club.

When not on ham radio, he works for the Office of Emergency Management in Madison County, New York. His background includes working in emergency services as an Emergency Dispatcher and Radio Support Tech. In his spare time, he installs radios in various vehicles. Most important of all, however, he says he is a husband and a “cat-dad.”


We are grateful for all Andy has done and is doing for NTS. Check out his QRZ page, as well as the videos he has produced, which are at



NTS Resources

The National Traffic System® (NTS) is a network of amateur radio operators who move information during disasters and other emergencies. General messages offering well wishes also move through the NTS to help test the system and to help amateur radio operators build traffic handling skills. While the NTS is primarily set up to serve the United States and Canada, it is possible to move traffic internationally through the NTS through various local, regional, area, and international network connections.


NTS 2.0

NTS Manual

NTS Methods and Practices Guidelines Table of Contents

Handling Instructions

Numbered Texts

Form Encoding Rules for Form



Sign Up to Receive The NTS Letter

The NTS Letter is published monthly and is free of charge to ARRL members. Subscribe:


Editor: Marcia Forde, KW1U, Section Traffic Manager — Eastern Massachusetts, Western Massachusetts, and Rhode Island


ARRL Director of Emergency Management: Josh Johnston, KE5MHV



Support NTS: Join ARRL

NTS is a program of ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®. No other organization works harder than ARRL to promote and protect amateur radio! ARRL members enjoy many benefits and services including digital magazines, e-newsletters, online learning (, and technical support. Membership also supports programs for radio clubs, on-air contests, Logbook of The World®, ARRL Field Day, and the all-volunteer ARRL Field Organization.



The NTS Letter is published every month (12 times each year). ARRL members may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing their Member Data Page at


Copyright © 2024 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other purposes require written permission.


ARRL Black Diamond Logo

NTS 2.0 Training Materials

Training is an integral part of the NTS 2.0 program. We want to ensure you can learn how to handle traffic using easy-to-understand, modern video and other content. This page contains our expanding library of NTS training content.

Getting Started in Traffic Handling

The first video provides a brief introduction to the National Traffic System.

A Brief Introduction to the National Traffic System

You can view a copy of the presentation used in this video here. Thank you to Ray Lajoie, AA1SE, for producing these training materials.

Traffic Handling 101 Series – The Basics

The following is a three-part series of training videos that are particularly useful for introducing NTS and helping new traffic handlers get started.

Traffic Handling 101 – Introduction to the National Traffic System

Traffic Handling 101 – Radiograms

Traffic Handling 101 – Sending Traffic

The following are the presentations used in the above training videos.

Thank you to Andy Harmon-Kimball, W2ZXN, for producing these training materials.

Getting Started in Traffic Handling – An Expert Panel Discussion

An expert panel of NTS 2.0 Program Volunteers held a panel discussion and Q&A session based on the 101 Training Materials above. The panel added some excellent commentary based on their extensive experience in Traffic Handling. You can watch this video below.

Getting Started in Traffic Handling 101 – A Panel Discussion

Traffic Handling Tools

NTS 2.0 Program Volunteers are working hard to produce some useful tools that enable the origination and handling of Traffic in new ways. The following are training videos for some of our tools.

Radiogram Portal

Now, there’s a way for YOU to try Amateur Radio messaging! Think of a friend or family member you’d like to contact by Radiogram. You can send any short message if it’s not business-related, urgent or critical, or too private or personal. Your message will be picked up by an Amateur Radio volunteer operator and relayed across the country to near its destination; finally, the recipient will get a local phone call from a nearby ham, or the message might even be delivered in person. Along the way, ham operators will relay your message by voice, digital, or even Morse code, and get valuable practice in emergency public service.

You can learn more about and try the Radiogram Portal here.

Radiogram Portal Training Video

Thanks to Jonathan  Taylor, K1RFD, for producing these training materials.

APRS Radiogram Gateway

You can now use an APRS to send a radiogram through the NTS gateway.  NTSGTE is an APRS information service that receives radiograms and forwards them on to the Digital Traffic Network.  Radiograms are then relayed on as usual.  This service can be useful when you need to send a radiogram but cannot check in to a traditional NTS net. You can learn more about this tool here.

Sending an NTS Radiogram with APRS

Agency Traffic Handling Procedures and Forms

It is important to handle agency traffic using forms and formats that serve agencies’ specifications and to pass and deliver agency traffic in the exact format that it originated in. The NTS 2.0 project has developed a flexible system for encoding agency traffic to meet these needs. The following training videos explain how this system handles ICS-213 formatted Traffic. You can learn more here.

ICS-213 Part I – Encoding to Hybrid Radiogram

Jonathan Taylor, K1RFD, Featured on QSO Today

Jonathan Taylor, K1RFDJonathan Taylor, K1RFD, Ridgefield, Connecticut, inventor of the highly popular program “EchoLink,” was featured as guest on the QSO Today podcast, episode #487. Taylor is also author of the NTS 2.0 Radiogram Portal web application.

From QSO Today: “Jonathan Taylor, K1RFD, has reached his 50th year has a ham radio operator, is the creator of Echolink, one of the first amateur radio Voice over Internet Service linking amateur radio stations, the receiver of technical innovation awards, and author of ‘VoIP: Internet Linking for Radio Amateurs,’ now in its second edition. K1RFD checks all of the ham radio boxes for operating, homebrewing, software development, radio restoration, and is my QSO Today.”

NTS Letter

NTS Letter banner

Sign Up For The NTS Letter

It’s easy for ARRL members to sign up to receive the NTS Letter via email. Just follow these steps:

  • Got to and click the Login button to sign in
  • After you log in, you’ll see your name above the Login button. Click on your name to configure your preferences. On the COMMUNICATION menu on the left side of the page, click on the E-Newsleters & Notifications choice.

  • You’ll see a page that shows the current newsletters and lists you are subscribed to. Important – Click on the EDIT link to add the NTS Letter to your subscriptions.

  • Check the NTS Letter (National Traffic System monthly news) box and click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

That’s all there is to it! You’ll receive the Monthly NTS letter via email. We are looking for stories and information from Traffic Handlers that we can include in the NTS Letter. If you’d like to contribute a story, please contact us at


January 2025

    • NTS 2.0 Year-end Review
    • NTS 2.0 Callout Meeting, February 4, 2025
    • Virtual Traffic Nets for Training
    • “Who Are We Now?”
    • Treasure Hunt Update
    • Originations and the Radiogram Portal
    • HX Handling Instructions, Message Deliveries, Non-deliveries and Service Messages
    • Spotlight: KW1U



December 2024

    • NTS Letter Promotion Radiograms
    • Section Emergency Test (SET) in Eastern Massachusetts
    • MARIDN and SET
    • A Transcontinental NBEMS Net – Preparing for Emergencies
    • Editorial – Creating or Filling a Need
    • Radiogram Portal Update
    • Treasure Hunt Update
    • NTS 75th Anniversary, Part 4
    • From the Field
    • Spotlight – Dave Sheppard, W2PAX

November 2024

    • Radiogram Blitz: Promoting The NTS Letter
    • NTS and Hurricanes Helene and Milton
    • NTS Training via Zoom Held October 14
    • A Promotional Flyer
    • Field Appointments and Efforts to Update a Database
    • Treasure Hunt Update
    • NTS 75th Anniversary — Part 3
    • Spotlight – Dan Rinaman, AC8NP

October 2024

    • From the Editor
    • “Happy 75th, NTS” (Part 2)
    • Treasure Hunt Update
    • Training via Zoom – October 14
    • Coordination between NTS and ARES: Reports from Alabama, Eastern Pennsylvania, Ohio and Georgia
    • Spotlight: Gerry Jurrens, N2GJ
    • Re-energizing NTS Activity in New Mexico

September 2024

    • “Happy 75th, NTS” (Part 1)
    • Treasure Hunt Update
    • NTS at the New England HamXposition
    • From the Field: Daily SSB Nets Provide Backbone for Florida
    • Traffic Tip from the Wisconsin STM
    • New Section Traffic Manager Group
    • Spotlight – Tom Doligalski, W4KX

August 2024

    • Treasure Hunt Update
    • Update: Handling Instructions and ARRL Numbered Texts
    • Recognition Certificates
    • New England HamXposition: August 22 – 25, 2024
    • Recruiting New Traffic Handlers
    • On Confirming POTA Contacts
    • Who Calls First?
    • Spotlight: K9GLU

July 2024

    • Field Day 2024
    • Treasure Hunt Update
    • Traffic Analysis Tool
    • Experiences from the Field – KN4QJ, Georgia Section Traffic Manager
    • Spotlight: Peter Dintelmann, DL4FN
    • Training in CW Traffic Handling
    • From the Editor

June 2024

    • Hamvention 2024
    • Treasure Hunt Update
    • Radiogram Portal Update
    • ARRL Numbered Radiograms
    • Field Day and NTS
    • From the Field
    • Spotlight – W2ZXN

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024

January 2024


December 2023

November 2023

October 2023

NTS 2.0 Promotional Resources


The materials on this page are resources that can be used to promote participation in activities utilizing the National Traffic System (NTS). Materials include information on getting involved in NTS intended for new Hams.

NTS 2.0 LetterNTS 2.0 Letter

The NTS 2.0 Letter is a monthly publication available to all ARRL members. Similar to the popular ARES Letter, this new publication is designed to share information concerning improvement and enhancement efforts of the NTS 2.0 working groups, traffic handling activities around the country, traffic tips, and spotlights on NTS leadership. You can sign up to receive it by logging into, visiting your profile page, and selecting opt-in. Click on edit to find all available subscriptions, select NTS Letter, and click save. You can view our NTS 2.0 Letter archive here.

Handout for Clubs, License Testing Sessions, and Field Day

NTS Flyer
National Traffic System Flyer

A handout for use at Licensing sessions, Hamfests, Club meetings, and other events is available here for download. Remember to include your contact information. Also, remember to include information on your local traffic nets on the back of the flyer.

NTS at Field Day

How to add more points and fun!

When you are doing ARRL Field Day planning, one thing to add to your activity is traffic handling. There are a variety of ways to add traffic handling to your operation. It is not difficult to do this. Here are some suggestions:

  • Add traffic to a VHF/UHF station. (These stations are free) Messages can be transmitted to a pre-determined home station or to a scheduled traffic net.
  • Have one of the HF stations change to a predetermined station and frequency operating from home and pass the message to be placed with an upcoming net.
  • Information tables can have brochures on messaging with a setup using a handheld on a simplex channel that is 1000 feet or more away. Not only is this a good demonstrator, but you can also use it as an educational bonus, demonstrating the traffic message process and form. The handout in the previous section is a great resource for your public information table at Field Day.
  • If you have a computer with Internet Access at your public information table, you can use the NTS 2.0 Radiogram Portal to enable visitors to originate radiograms and learn about the traffic system. It’s fun! For more information about the Portal go here.
  • Don’t forget digital! Demonstrate Winlink! What a thing to show how we can send emails WITHOUT the internet!
  • Have a GOTA station? The above suggestions can also work well as part of your GOTA activities as well.

This can add another level of activity for Field Day and give new hams and even those interested in communications in an emergency more to show. You will also receive additional points for handling traffic during your Field Day activities. You can download more information and the associated Field Day rules for passing traffic here.

NTS Training Videos

Several NTS Introductory and Training Videos can be used in various situations, including Club Meetings, Hamfests, Field Day Public Information Displays, etc. You can find these videos on our website here.

The following is a three-part series of training videos that are particularly useful for introducing NTS and helping new traffic handlers get started.

Traffic Handling 101 – Introduction to the National Traffic System

Traffic Handling 101 – Radiograms

Traffic Handling 101 – Sending Traffic

Thank you to Andy Harmon-Kimball, W2ZXN, for producing these training materials.

Introduction to NTS Presentations

Traffic Handling 101 Presentations
Traffic Handling 101 Presentation

We encourage you to consider giving introductory presentations at meetings and Hamfests. The following is a three-part series of introductory training presentations that you can use. The previous section contains video versions of these presentations. Thank you to Andy Harmon-Kimball, W2ZXN, for producing these training materials.